
Why spend your time inside when you could be outside enjoying the fresh air? Great patio furniture is as important a part of the modern home as its indoor counterpart. Our range has the options you’re looking for when it’s time to entertain family and friends outdoors.

A$2.75* /week
A$3.01* /week
A$3.45* /week
A$3.60* /week
A$4.49* /week
A$6.21* /week
A$6.27* /week
A$6.27* /week
A$7.38* /week
A$9.05* /week
A$15.05* /week
A$17.00* /week
A$17.00* /week
A$19.89* /week
A$21.24* /week
A$25.48* /week
A$27.21* /week
A$27.60* /week
A$45.57* /week
A$46.00* /week
A$51.98* /week
A$59.59* /week