Credit guide

Overview/Who is Snaffle

Walker Stores Pty Ltd trading as Snaffle (Snaffle) has been established as a result of many years of dedicated, professional service to our clients. We have a vast amount of experience in providing clients with a professional service in the provision of consumer credit. You can contact us by using the details set out in the Complaint section.

Snaffle holds an Australian Credit Licence and as such is obligated to abide by the National Consumer Credit Act 2009 and its related Regulations. Snaffle also commits to abide by any mandatory industry code of conducts or any mandatory compliance guidelines issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Snaffle’s industry regulator.

Available Products

Snaffle provides a:

“Line of Credit” program for household equipment and appliances. For specific information about the Snaffle Line of Credit, how you can utilise it and the fees and charges applicable, please refer to our Terms and Conditions and the Pre-Contractual Statement.

Suitability of loans to your financial objectives

It is our duty to have a reasonable knowledge of your current financial situation and objectives before we can recommend a suitable arrangement that would meet your requirements.

As a credit licensee we are required to:

  • Make reasonable inquiries about your financial situation, and your requirements and objectives

  • Take reasonable steps to verify your financial situation

  • Make an assessment about whether the credit contract is ‘not unsuitable’ for you (based on the inquiries and information obtained in the first two steps).

You as the consumer can request for a written copy of the assessment. If we supply that to you it must be free of charge; however, we are not required to give you a copy of the assessment if the line of credit is not entered.

Your Privacy Protection

The privacy of our customers’ personal information is and has always been important to us. We are committed to respecting our customers’ right to privacy and protecting their personal information. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) as well as other applicable laws and codes affecting personal information. Our staff are expected to respect our client’s privacy in accordance with our standards, policies and procedures.

We will maintain a file which contains all the personal details you have disclosed and the information included in your line of credit agreement. You can arrange to examine your personal file by simply contacting us.

Our complete company Privacy Policy is available upon request or on our website.


If you have a complaint about the services we provide, the following options for resolution are available.

Most complaints or disputes arise from miscommunication and can usually be resolved amicably without delay. If you find yourself in this situation, contact us and explain your concerns in order for us to provide a speedy resolution.

1.  First Option

If you have a complaint, please contact us first using the contact details below. We will use our best endeavours to resolve the dispute. If you are not satisfied with our responses, then you can seek the dispute to be escalated internally to senior management for a review and proposed resolution.

To do that, please contact the Snaffle Complaints Officer on 1800 199 285 or Email: [email protected]

2.  Second Option

If we are unable to resolve the dispute or if you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the resolution we offer to your complaint, you can refer the matter to our external dispute resolution provider, Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA.

When you file a complaint with us, we will acknowledge your complaint within 1 day of receiving it. We will ensure that a substantive response is provided to you within thirty (30) days from receipt of your complaint. If we cannot respond to you within that time frame, we will communicate with you explaining the reasons for the delay in our response.

You may refer the dispute or complaint to our external dispute resolution scheme at any time, however, if our internal process is not concluded by the time you refer the matter to the external dispute resolution scheme, they may ask you to wait until our internal process is complete.

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call) Email: [email protected] Web: Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001


Snaffle does not currently pay commissions for the introduction or referral of business to us.

Walker Stores Pty Ltd trading as Snaffle Level 6, 1 Corporate Court, Bundall QLD 4217 [email protected] 1800 199 285 Australian Credit License 393023 ACN 007 973 962