Get your strut on with Snaffle

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Put simply, you can get what you want, when you want it. That leaves you with more money in your pocket to enjoy the life you want . Don’t just live life. Own it.

Show me how to get my strut on


Everyone struts in a different way. For some it’s more a state of mind; for others it defines the way they move.

John Travolta rocked it at the start of Saturday Night Fever and the end of Staying Alive. Has anyone done it better?

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson had a walk-off in Zoolander… and what is that really other that a strut off?

Sandra Bullock showed the way in Miss Congeniality... we'll excuse her the trip.

Conor McGregor takes it to extremes… and he’s doing it for real.

We don’t care how you strut; we just want people to feel that good about themselves. Check out this montage for a bunch of the best.